To sponsor this exciting event contact Christina Strawbridge at: info@beniciamainstreet.org.

Our sponsorship opportunities are outlined below and begin at just $1,000.

All sponsorships include premium tickets with reserved stage seating. We also provide our sponsors with direct marketing and merchandising opportunities so you can reach festival attendees. The details are outlined below. Also inquire about our multi-event sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Rock Star Gold $10,000

Sponsor Name and logo in prominent location and size at the stage area

Sponsor Name in all media and electronic ads including event website home page

Sponsor logo on all event print ads

MC announcement will include brief commercials about the company throughout the weekend

Marketing and merchandising opportunities within the event that includes booth space in prominent location within the event

Eight Premium Tickets with reserved stage seating


Sponsor logo on Event Website

Sponsor name and logo within the event

MC announcement will include brief commercials about the company throughout the weekend

Marketing 10X10 Booth for opportunities within the event

Four Event Tickets with reserved stage seating

Mermaid Bronze $1000

Sponsor name and logo within the event

Sponsor name and logo on event website

Two Event Tickets with reserved stage seating